51 - 75 of 477 Records
Students exercising on the stationary bike in the gymnasium
- Students exercising on stationary bikes in the gymnasium. SMU gymnasium, conveniently located at the basement of campus, provides facilities and equipment for students to workout conveniently in between or out of classes.
Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K. Shanmugam grace the 2017 commencement as a keynote speaker
- Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K. Shanmugam giving a keynote speech at the 2017 commencement.
SMU Prinsep Street Residences press briefing 2018
- Professor Paulin Straughan, Professor Lily Kong and Mr Sundar Selvam sharing SMU's plans on Prinsep Street Residences at a press briefing held on 12 February 2018.
SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping at his book launch in 2018
- SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping sharing a light hearted moment with SMU Apolitical President Abbas Ali Mohamed Anas at his book launch in 2018
Prof Paulin Straughan at the SMU Student Services Hub launch 2018
- Professor Paulin Straughan, Dean of Students, at the SMU Student Services Hub launch on 27 February 2018.
2021 President’s State of the University Address
- Presidential Distinguished Lecturer Series (PDLS) of 2021 held at SMU Hall on 31 March. Dell Technologies’ Amit Midha shares his vision of the digital cities of the future at PDLS.
20 Years of SMU: Exhibition viewed by Halimah Yacob and Dr Tony Tan
- SMU Patron, Halimah Yacob and SMU Honorary Patron, Dr Tony Tan view exhibition on SMU’s projects displaying the University’s journey and milestones over the past 20 years and how SMU has made meaningful impact on the community
Convocation 2013
- SMU's Senior faculty including President Arnoud De Meyer, Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Provost Rajendra Srivastava at the opening of SMU Convocation 2013
Preparing for the 2013 World Univeristy Games in Kazan, Russia
- Addressing the students and delegates at the send off for the World University Games 2013 in Kazan, Russia
SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping presenting a token to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
- SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping presenting a token to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
SMU President Arnoud De Meyer, Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Guest of Honour Madam Ho Ching at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the new School of Law Building
- SMU President Arnoud De Meyer, Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Guest of Honour Madam Ho Ching enjoying a laugh at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the new School of Law Building
SMU Patron President Tony Tan having a chat with Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Gerry George at the 2015 Patron's Day Celebrations
- SMU Patron President Tony Tan having a chat with Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Gerry George at the 2015 Patron's Day Celebrations
Singapore Management University Graduates celebrating a joyful moment at the 2015 Commencement ceremony
- Singapore Management University Graduates celebrating a joyful moment at the 2015 Commencement ceremony.
Distinguished guests including Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Chancellor Yong Pung How at SMU's 2015 Commencement Ceremony
- Distinguished guests including Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping and Chancellor Yong Pung How at SMU's 2015 Commencement Ceremony
Wharton-SMU Research Centre Agreement
- Signing ceremony held on 10 June 1999 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel to establish the Wharton-Singapore Management University Research Centre. Left to right: SMU Chairman Ho Kwon Ping, Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan, Minister for Education Teo Chee Hean and SMU President-Designate Janice Bellace. The joint research centre will focus on international business issues relevant to Singapore and Asia, and help establish a research culture at SMU. Professor Janice Bellace is named as the centre director.
Preparing for Inaugural Convocation
- A large air-conditioned tent is set up at Bras Basah Park, the site of Singapore Management University’s future city campus. SMU’s inaugural convocation is held here on 29 July 2000.
Professor Lily Kong at SMU Education Leaders' Symposium 2019
- SMU President Professor Lily Kong at SMU Education Leaders' Symposium 2019.
Professor Arnoud De Meyer at SMU Commencement 2017
- SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer speaking at SMU Commencement 2017 held at the SMU School of Law building
Enterprise & Entrepreneur Series by SMU and The EDB Society Part 4
- The EDB Society and SMU hosted the fourth part of the six-part Enterprise & Entrepreneur Series – Transforming Industries Creating Value. Panelist include Ms Janice Chia, Founder & Managing Director, Ageing Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore; Ms Ivy Lai, Country Manager Philips Singapore and CFO Philips ASEAN Pacific; Mr Ong Chu Poh, Founder, Executive Chairman, and CEO of ECON Healthcare Group; Prof Tan Chorh Chuan, Chief Health Scientist and Executive Director of the new Office for Healthcare Transformation, Ministry of Health; and Mary Ann Tsao, Chairman and Founding Director of the Tsao Foundation.
At the Presidential Distinguished Lecture Series 2019
- SMU President Professor Lily Kong and Renowned AI expert Professor Subbarao Kambhampati at the Presidential Distinguished Lecture Series 2019.
Groundbreaking ceremony for Singapore Management University's new law school building
- Professor Yeo Tiong Min, Dean, School of Law, breaking ground to mark the start of construction for the new law school building on 20th January 2014.