ISES CEO Forum on 1 March 2010 panel discussion
The Institute of Service Excellence at the Singapore Management Institute held the inaugural CEO Forum on 1 March 2010. Mr Liew Mun Leong, CapitaLand CEO, delivered the keynote address.

    Tree planting to mark award of Green Mark Platinum Award on 20 August 2010
    Tree planting to mark SMU awarded Green Mark Platinum Award on 20 August 2010. From L-R: Sim Teow Hong, Senior Vice President (Finance & Administration), Howard Hunter, SMU President, SMU student

      Photos of Inspirat10n - a photo exhibition which told the heartwarming story of the extraordinary journeys taken by SMU students in community service projects over the last 10 years
      SMU celebrated its 10th anniversary this year with Photos of Inspirat10n - a photo exhibition which told the heartwarming story of the extraordinary journeys taken by SMU students in community service projects over the last 10 years. From L-R: Ruth Chiang and Arnoud De Meyer

        Student Expedition to Thailand
        Ten students from SMU's pioneer class were part of a joint expedition by Institute of Technical Education and Singapore Management University. The group helped construct a new building and toilet for students of Hui Yah School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Photo circa 2001.

          Professor Arnoud De Meyer at opening of SMU Global Village 2018
          Professor Arnoud De Meyer at opening of SMU Global Village 2018.

            At the SMU and Singhealth MOU signing ceremony
            MOU signing between Professor Lily Kong, SMU Provost, and Professor Ivy Ng, Group CEO, SingHealth, witnessed by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health, at the MOU signing ceremony at 8th Singapore Healthcare Management Congress, held at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre on 14 Aug 2018.

              Janice Bellace Professorship Lecture 2018
              Janice Bellace Professorship Lecture by Professor Wang Heli, Good Deeds Done in Silence: Legitimacy Management and Stakeholder Conflict, Professor Janice Bellace (centre) flanked by SMU Board of Trustees and senior management.

                SMU Launches First Overseas Centre in Jakarta
                Singapore Management University launched its first overseas centre in Jakarta on 6 December 2022, with Prof. Lily Kong and Shoeb Z. Kagda, Centre Director of SMU Overseas Centre Jakarta, currently located at Kloud International Financial Centre Tower 2, Level 33, Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav 22-23, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

                  State of the University Address 2021
                  SMU President Lily Kong gave her third annual President’s State of the University Address in a hybrid event on 24 September 2021, with around 50 members of faculty and staff joining her at SMU Hall and some 650 participating online

                    ISES CEO Forum 1 March 2010 keynote address by Liew Mun Leong
                    The Institute of Service Excellence at the Singapore Management Institute held the inaugural CEO Forum on 1 March 2010. Mr Liew Mun Leong, CapitaLand CEO, delivered the keynote address.

                      SMU's Offices at Goldbell Towers
                      Crowd at opening of Singapore Management University's new offices at Goldbell Towers, Scotts Road on 13 October 1999. In the centre, left to right: President Janice Bellace; Mr John Yip, CEO and Executive Director of Singapore Institute of Management; Chairman Ho Kwon Ping.

                        DPM Tony Tan Visits SMU
                        Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan visiting with students in Singapore Management University’s library at the Evans Road building on 8 September 2000. Standing, left to right: Dean Tsui Kai Chong, Chairman Ho Kwon Ping, DPM Tony Tan, Trustee Gan See Khem and Deputy President Tan Teck Meng.

                          Reflections Talent Show
                          Participants at Singapore Management University's end-of-year festivities at the Tanglin Community Club in December 2000.

                            City Campus Opening Ceremony
                            At Singapore Management University's city campus opening ceremony on 20 January 2006, left to right, Dean Pang Eng Fong, Dean Pang Yang Hoong, Provost Tan Chin Tiong, Chairman Ho Kwon Ping, Minister for Education Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Chancellor Richard Hu, SMU President Howard Hunter, Dean Roberto Mariano, Dean Steven Miller, Dean Annie Koh.

                              Li Ka Shing Library Opening Ceremony
                              Left to right: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Dr Li Ka Shing unveil the commemorative plaque for the new library; it reads, "Knowledge Reshapes Destiny".

                                Launch of Ink, SMU institutional repository by Paolina Martin
                                Launch of InK, SMU Institutional Repository with Paolina Martin speaking and the launch was held at Li Ka Shing library, Level 5

                                  Students with Angkor Wat during their Business Study Mission in Cambodia, Thailand in 2015
                                  Students doing the jump pose with Angkor Wat during their Business Study Mission in Cambodia, Thailand. This is an image of an old photograph submitted by students for the Jump Campaign in 2015, which captures students in jump poses while reflecting a part of their student life at the same time.

                                    Professor Lily Kong at the official launch of Prinsep Street Residences
                                    Professor Lily Kong and Ms Denise Phua, Mayor of Central Singapore District, at the official launch of Prinsep Street Residences (PSR).

                                      Professor Arnoud De Meyer’s book launch
                                      SMU launches book “Building Excellence in Higher Education: Singapore's Experience” by Professor Emeritus Arnoud De Meyer

                                        SMU Launches Overseas Centre in Ho Chi Minh City
                                        Official launch of the Overseas Centre Ho Chi Minh City on 25 June 2024, currently located at The Sentry Sonatus Building, 15 Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

                                          SMU & Singapore Sports Council Leadership Seminar 2013
                                          SMU President Arnoud De Meyer with Minister Indranee Rajah and other invited guests at the launch of the 2013 Leadership Symposium seminar for future leaders

                                            SMU & Singapore Sports Council Leadership Seminar 2013
                                            Minister Indranee Rajah with SMU students at the 2013 Leadership Symposium seminar for future leaders

                                              SMU community at the Memorial Service for the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew
                                              SMU community coming together to pay their respects at the Memorial Service for the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew

                                                At the SMU Diverse-City 2019
                                                The SMU community at the SMU Diverse-City 2019.

                                                  SMU hosted the CNA Perspectives Season 7 episode 6
                                                  SMU hosted the CNA Perspectives Season 7 episode 6 “Belt, Road Initiative: Will ASEAN remain in the driving seat?” which featured an esteemed panel of thought leaders including SMU President Arnoud De Meyer, Omar Shahzad, Group CEO, Meinhardt Group, James Crabtree, Associate Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House, Richard Fenning, Chief Executive Officer, Control Risks, and Moderator Mr Teymoor Nabili.

                                                    Showing 51 - 75 of 117 Records