Lee Kong Chian School of Business Opening Ceremony
Student performers at the opening celebration for the Lee Kong Chian School of Business on 24 March 2006.

    David B. Montgomery with Emeritus Professor Award
    David B. Montgomery received the Emeritus award from Asia's Best B-School Awards

      International Academic Advisory Panel Visit
      Professor Tan Teck Meng, SMU Deputy President and Provost, presenting plans for the new Singapore Management University to the International Academic Advisory Panel on 11 January 1999. The IAAP advises Singapore’s universities on major trends in university education and research. Photo taken at Singapore Institute of Management.

        Senior Common Room Named
        Left to right: former Singapore President Wee Kim Wee, Dr Lee Seng Tee and Singapore Management University President Ronald Frank. Photo taken at the naming of the Senior Common Room at SMU's Bukit Timah campus for Dr Lee Seng Tee on 17 September 2001.

          Students exercising on the stationary bike in the gymnasium
          Students exercising on stationary bikes in the gymnasium. SMU gymnasium, conveniently located at the basement of campus, provides facilities and equipment for students to workout conveniently in between or out of classes.

            Lee Kong Chian School of Business Opening Ceremony
            Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong speaking with students at the opening of the Lee Kong Chian School of Business on 24 March 2006.

              Token of appreciation at Farewell for Howard Hunter, SMU president (2004-2010)
              Presentation of token of appreciation to Howard Hunter and Susan Hunter

                Information Session for Prospective Students
                Singapore Management University President Janice Bellace speaking at an information session for prospective students in 1999. The event was held at library@Orchard. SMU's start-up team actively worked to introduce the new university to students, parents and principals, both in Singapore and abroad.

                  Groundbreaking for the Evans Road Building
                  Left to right: Director of Facilities Management Ho Thim Seng, Deputy President Tan Teck Meng and Associate Professor Michael Gan at the Evans Road building groundbreaking ceremony on 12 January 2000. Singapore Management University operated out of the Evans Road building for the first academic year.

                    Reflections Talent Show
                    Saw Cheng Lim, Lecturer-in-Law, directing the choir at Singapore Management University's end-of-year festivities at the Tanglin Community Club in December 2000. The choir is made up of students from the pioneer class and staff and faculty, including HR Director Amy Tan, Director of Career Services Ruth Chiang, Administrative Executive Lim Lih Yeng, Lecturer of Finance Tan Eng Joo, Assistant Professor of Law Lee Pey Woan, Jason Chiam Chiah Sern, and Deputy Dean of Business Low Kee Yang.

                      Student Expedition to Thailand
                      Ten students from SMU's pioneer class were part of a joint expedition by Institute of Technical Education and Singapore Management University. The group helped construct a new building and toilet for students of Hui Yah School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Photo circa 2001.

                        Li Ka Shing Library Opening Ceremony
                        University librarian Ruth Pagell greeting Dr Li Ka Shing at the opening of SMU's Li Ka Shing Library on 24 February 2006.

                          Li Ka Shing Library Opening Ceremony
                          Dr Li Ka Shing greeting student recipients of Li Ka Shing scholarships at the opening of SMU's Li Ka Shing Library on 24 February 2006.

                            Senior executives in front of the structure of Kwa Geok Choo library during ground inspection of School of Law construction in 2016
                            Members from Board of Trustees posing in front the dome structure of Kwa Geok Choo library with President Arnoud De Meyer during ground inspection of School of Law construction in 2016. From L: Professor Ng Swee Lian Ivy, Mr Edmund Yeng Lin, Mr Lim Boon Wee, Ms Saw Phaik Hwa, Professor Arnoud de Meyer (President), Mr Ho Kwon Ping, Mr Zulkifli bin Baharudin, Mr Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara, BG Lim U Yang Hugh-Reginald, Mr Paul Beh.

                              Students performing a dance routine in a concert
                              Students performing a dance routine in a 2015 concert.

                                Students having small group discussions with Professor Basil Bitas in a classroom
                                Students having small group discussions with Professor Basil Bitas in a classroom. In addition to seminar-style teaching, students and faculty may engage in smaller group discussions in different conducive settings.

                                  Students learning business concepts via a game in a lecture
                                  Students learning business concepts via a game "Co-Founders of the North" in a lecture. Gamification padagogy was adopted as early as 2015. Co-Founders of the North is a multi-player strategy game developed for various business courses to teach concepts such as strategic decision making, long-term investment planning and risk management.

                                    Staff at National Day Observance 2018
                                    Staff at National Day Observance 2018.

                                      First Day of Classes
                                      Visiting Economics Professor Jinook Jeong and students on Singapore Management University’s very first day of classes, 1 August 2000. Classes were held in the Evans Road building.

                                        First Board of Trustees
                                        Singapore President S R Nathan hosts a reception for Singapore Management University’s first board of trustees and senior management on 15 March 2000. Pictured on the steps of the Istana, front row, left to right: Trustee Kuok Khoon Ean, Trustee Victor Fung; Chairman Ho Kwon Ping; Singapore President S R Nathan; SMU President Janice Bellace and Trustee Han Cheng Fong. Middle row: Dean Tsui Kai Chong; Provost Tan Chin Tiong, Trustee Fang Ai Lian, Trustee Gan See Khem, Trustee Seah Jiak Choo, Deputy President Tan Teck Meng, Deputy Dean Low Kee Yang. Back row: Trustee Latiff Bin Ibrahim, Trustee Loo Choon Yon, Trustee John Niland, Trustee Jaspal Singh, Trustee Ong Keng Yong, Trustee Sunil Sreenivasan.

                                          DPM Tony Tan Visits SMU
                                          Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan speaking with students on his first visit to Singapore Management University on 8 September 2000. Dr Tan also held a press conference where he announced that SMU would offer an accountancy program in 2001.

                                            Education Minister Visits SMU
                                            Associate Professor Low Kee Yang (on right) welcoming Minister for Education Teo Chee Hean on his first visit to Singapore Management University. The minister met with SMU faculty and staff at the Evans Road building and toured the renovation work being done on the Bukit Timah campus. Left to right: Professor Phang Sock Yong, Minister for Education Teo Chee Hean, Dean Pang Yang Hoong, Dean of Students Low Aik Meng, Associate Professor Low Kee Yang and Professor Tan Lee Chuan. A map of the SMU’s planned city campus Is displayed on the wall behind the group.

                                              City Campus Opening Ceremony
                                              Singapore Management University's student ambassadors at the university's city campus opening ceremony on 20 January 2006.

                                                Li Ka Shing Library Opening Ceremony
                                                Left to right: Dr Li Ka Shing and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at the opening of SMU's Li Ka Shing Library on 24 February 2006.

                                                  Celebrating the 15th anniversary of SMU in 2015
                                                  Celebrating the 15th anniversary of SMU in 2015. From L back row: Mr. Jaime Augusto Miranda Zobel de Ayala, Professor Ng Swee Lian Ivy, Mr Lim Tse Ghow Olivier, Mr Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara, Mr Zulkifli bin Baharudin, Mr Robert Michael Tomlin. From L front row: Professor Arnoud de Meyer (President), Mr Lim Boon Wee, Mr Timothy Chia, Mr Anil Thadani, Mr Ho Kwon Ping, Professor Thomas S Robertson, Ms Saw Phaik Hwa, Mr Edmund Yeng Li, Professor Rajendra K. Srivastava (Provost and Deputy President).

                                                    Showing 1 - 25 of 93 Records